2-state 3-symbol currently best (by Brady / Michel)

Comment: Taken (cited) from P.Michel
Comment: This TM produces 9 nonzeros in 38 steps.

Constructed by $Id: hmBBsimu.awk,v 1.12 2010/07/06 19:46:42 heiner Exp $
State on
on 0 on 1 on 2
Print Move Goto Print Move Goto Print Move Goto
A 1RB 2LB 1RH 1 right B 2 left B 1 right H
B 2LA 2RB 1LB 2 left A 2 right B 1 left B
Transition table
The same TM just simple.
The same TM with repetitions reduced.
Simulation is done with tape symbol exponents.
The same TM as 2-macro machine.
The same TM as 2-macro machine with pure additive config-TRs.

  Step  Tpos  Tape contents
     0     0  <A
     1     1  1 B>
     2     0  1 <A 2
     3    -1  <B 2 2
     4    -2  <A 23
     5    -1  1 B> 23
     6    -2  1 <B 1 2 2
     7    -1  2 B> 1 2 2
     8     0  2 2 B> 2 2
     9    -1  2 2 <B 1 2
+   11    -3  <B 13 2
    12    -4  <A 2 13 2
    13    -3  1 B> 2 13 2
    14    -4  1 <B 14 2
    15    -3  2 B> 14 2
+   19     1  25 B> 2
    20     0  25 <B 1
+   25    -5  <B 16
    26    -6  <A 2 16
    27    -5  1 B> 2 16
    28    -6  1 <B 17
    29    -5  2 B> 17
+   36     2  28 B>
    37     1  28 <A 2
    38     2  27 1 H> 2

After 38 steps (25 lines): state = H.
Produced     9 nonzeros.
Tape index 2, scanned [-6 .. 2].
State Count Execution count First in step
on 0 on 1 on 2 on 0 on 1 on 2
A 6 4 1 1 0 2 37
B 32 5 15 12 1 6 5
Execution statistics

The same TM just simple.
The same TM with repetitions reduced.
The same TM as 2-macro machine.
The same TM as 2-macro machine with pure additive config-TRs.

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Tue Jul 6 22:12:34 CEST 2010