About Heiner Marxen

You can contact me by email.

Pic(Heiner) A larger picture (43K) is behind this one.
1957 Born in Hamburg, Germany
1963-1976 Attending several schools
1976-1986 Attending Technical University Berlin: M.Sc. in Computer Science (Diplom-Informatiker)
1986-today Working as Software Engineer and Programmer in Berlin

My first contact with computers happened in 1972, when I learned Fortran II on an IBM-1130 machine. I became addicted immediately. I'm still a passionate programmer, and like to solve e.g. non-trivial puzzles with computer programs.

My first not so small program around 1973 did solve chess problems (mate in 2 moves). Together with two co-workers I am still developing a program which solves orthodox chess problems, named "Chest".

In 1985 I started to study the ``Busy Beaver'' problem. A friend of mine, Jürgen Buntrock, also had started to tackle this with a computer program. We exchanged ideas, and in 1989, much to our own surprise, we found new record machines with 5 states.

In 1997 I started to surf on the web, and created my own home page.

As a hobby which is (mostly) not related to computers I like to read Science Fiction and Fantasy.

In April 2013 the faked facebook account with my name has been terminated. I added an account for myself in a minimalist manner.

To the home page of Heiner Marxen.
$Date: 2013/04/23 20:10:10 $