Chest: A Program for Solving Orthodox Chess Problems

Chest is a program to solve chess problems. It is written in ANSI C, and developed under UNIX, but should be portable. Chest is distributed as source code.

Online documentation (also contained in the distribution):

Download the newest version (3.19 from 18-Dec-1999) [see also bugfixes below]:

The approximate uncompressed size is 1.4 MB.
The approximate runtime size is 150+600 KB code & data, and X MB cache (adjustable).

Bugfixes and enhanced packages:

Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs):

Example computation:

Happy problem solving!

Release Notes & known Bugs for version 3.19

To the chess page of Heiner Marxen.
To the home page of Heiner Marxen.
$Date: 2014/12/22 17:04:53 $