© Copyright 1998
Heiner Marxen
Puzzle Overview
I very much like puzzles, which are mathematically or logic oriented.
Although I enjoy to solve them by myself,
I even more enjoy to write computer programs
to solve puzzles.
This in turn to some extend makes it necessary
to do a bit of "theory" about the puzzle in question,
i.e. to create a (mostly) formal model,
and to establish some theorems.
The Year Game (aka the four 4's)
With the digits of the year (say 1 9 9 8), parentheses
and the usual arithmetic operators form expressions
with as many as possible values (usually in the range 1-100).
Example: 80 = (19-9)*8.
Rook Paths
Count the number of self-avoiding ways a rook can
go from a1 to h8 on a chess board.
Generalize to an MxN board.
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$Date: 1998/01/01 16:33:51 $